Here's the 'THING' friends, we all have one.
You know, that 'THING' that holds us back from fully living our lives, or prevents us from claiming our power and sharing our gifts with the world.
The question is, what is that 'THING' for you?
Perhaps you have a few 'THINGS' that show up regularly as unwelcome visitors in your mind. They make a mess, overstay their welcome, and then leave you in the dust wondering what the heck just happened.
I have a few too. One of them is SELF-DOUBT.
At so many pivotal moments in my life, I felt like I was on the brink of stepping into greater clarity of purpose, unbridled expression of creativity, freedom from a cage I had trapped myself in, deeper intimacy in relationship, an exciting new work project, or a new level of vitality and vibrancy in my body.
And then, just as I'm about to take a leap of faith, SELF-DOUBT starts clawing at me from the inside, showing up as an unsettled feeling in the gut, a tenacious tension in my jaw, and a whole onslaught of thoughts that seem to attack my optimism from every angle...
"You think you have what it takes?"
"Who are YOU. You're nobody."
"You don't have enough credentials/ experience to speak about this."
"You'll fail, so why bother?"
"Everyone will laugh at you."
"It hasn't worked before, so why would it work now?"
"Quit while you're ahead."
"Imagine how horrible you'll feel if this doesn't work out."
"Humanity is already doomed. Don't waste your time."
"Go back to what you did before. It's safe."
"Stop taking up space. You don't deserve it."
"Put others before yourself."
And on and on and on it can go until I lose any ounce of motivation and determination I might have had.
Maybe you've experienced your own version of this sneaky sabateur that works on you from the inside, often without you even realizing it. So much so, that you start becoming a slave to these ideas.
You stay small, unwell, afraid, tired of trying.
I've been there. Stuck in simply surviving.
And friends I'm here to tell you there's a way to work with this. There's a way to overcome your inner obstacles and empower yourself to Rise & Thrive!
My years of mindfulness training, meditation & embodiment practices, many mentors, and wild life experience have distilled down to this...
Here's a simple recipe for getting out of your own way:
Of course, it's helpful to note that this is not a quick fix, nor an overnight solution. These 'THINGS' will sneak back in, many times, in unexpected ways.
This is why it's a PRACTICE.
Every time we use this recipe, we are rewiring the neural networks in our brain-body. So that, slowly, over time, our self-sabotaging patterns lose their way in our lives, and we get to walk new paths of self-love, self-acceptance, curiosity and compassion.
Of course, calling in support and accountability along our journey of self-empowerment can also be helpful.
As always, I am here to be that mentor and guide as it serves you.
Feel free to reach out to me and share what's coming up for you.
Wishing you continued blossoming in this sacred and precious life!
With love,